Global Health Innovative Technology Fund

Posted on: 10/12/2019

Opportunity for UK companies to apply for funding to support the early-stage discovery and development of novel technologies.


The GHIT Fund is pleased to release the ninth Request for Proposals for the Target Research Platform to support the early-stage discovery and development of novel technologies and approaches for new drugs, vaccines, or diagnostics for malaria, tuberculosis, and Neglected Tropical Diseases listed in the GHIT Intent to Apply form.


Proposed projects should be innovative in nature and focused on early-stage discovery and technologies and approaches that address unmet or priority needs within the outlined disease and intervention scopes. In addition, proposed projects should be primarily originated from and be led by Japanese organisations and partnerships will need to be between eligible Japanese and non-Japanese organisations.

How to apply

For detailed Request for Proposals information, please visit RFP-TRP-2020-001. The deadline to submit the Intent to Apply form is no later than 10am JST on December 17, 2019.


Please note that the submission deadline for the Full Proposal is by no later than 10am JST on January 24, 2020.

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